Why Email Campaigns Are Still the Best Channel for B2B Sales

In the digital age, where technology and communication channels evolve at the speed of light, email marketing remains a crucial tool in the arsenal of B2B (business-to-business) marketing strategies. Despite the emergence of new platforms and trends, email campaigns continue to hold the top position as the most effective channel for B2B sales. Here’s why: […]

The Key to B2B Sales Growth: An Integrated Approach to Outbound Sales

Introduction In the world of B2B business, achieving growth and expanding the client base presents a constant challenge. Companies often search for effective strategies that will allow them to stand out in a sea of competition. In this blog, we explore one such innovative approach – the outbound sales model, which integrates the definition of […]

Ključ za rast B2B prodaje: Integrisani sistem za outbound prodaju

Uvod U svijetu B2B poslovanja, postizanje rasta i proširenje klijentske baze predstavlja stalni izazov. Kompanije često tragaju za efikasnim strategijama koje će im omogućiti da se izdvoje u moru konkurencije. U ovom blogu istražujemo jedan takav inovativni pristup – model ozbound salesa, koji integrira definiranje Idealnog Profila Klijenta (ICP), istraživanje tržišta, i multikanalnu B2B prodaju, […]

Triballi and B2B Email Marketing Evolution: Navigating the New Gmail and Yahoo Updates

Triballi Consulting use B2B email marketing as one of main outreach channels   As we step into 2024, the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, compelling B2B email marketers to adapt swiftly. A significant change is on the horizon following Gmail and Yahoo’s announcement of their updated policies, set to take effect on February 1st, […]